
These are the everyday ramblings of a navy wife during deployment. At times this blog may be controversial, disagreeable, or just plain whiney...but hopefully it will be mostly fun. Welcome :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 6

Oh my oh my.

Day 06- Favorite super hero and why

Let me just start by saying that I love superheros. I am totally a nerd at heart and wear my super hero love proudly and without qualms. No, really. I love most of them, and I've loved comics (especially DC) and most of the recent movies out make me really happy. That being said my favorite comic book hero is Batman. I think weirdly enough though, that I love the Batman comics the best because of the villains. My absolute favorite villain of all time is Miss Harley Quinn. Most of the Batman villains appeal to me though. I also have to admit, I'm a pretty big Captain America fan, but it may mostly be because of the movie. Something about that good, wholesome, patriotic boy next door? Makes my heart swoon in a way that makes me want to don a nurses cap and live in the 1940s. *Sigh* alright, I'm done now.

Tomorrow we will be in the car on our way to Ohio, so I may have to delay in my 30 days of posting if the day is as crazy as I think it will be. For now though, it's bed time :)

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